APW - E Howard & Co, Boston, Series IV, adjusted with rayed damascene, N-S (just over 19S), later heavy 14K rose gold EH&Co recased HC, name engraved on gold cuvette, SW-SS, WE-SSD, lever escapement, 15J, screwed-in jewel settings, rayed pattern NI damascene with origin in center, s#40355. Gross weight of assembled watch 88.7 dwt (138.0 g).
Mvt: GRO, fine mvt condition overall, large etched patch on plate adjacent upper casescrew, many MFS, some tiny oxide; full case-screw is stripped, half case-screw OK; mvt does not sit deep enough in the case for the case screws to meet the lip nicely; dial hls at 7, and above and below seconds-register; hands near mint; case shows very light even wear, some MFS with profuse MFS in shield, no dents, one reverse ding on front center, complete detail reduced evenly overall, front cover closure not flush, liftspring not supporting lid through end of range of motion; bow tight, unworn, crown shows light wear; good glass crystal.